Sunday, September 09, 2012

Bang up time

Wow, what a weekend!

I'll explain more when I have a chance to write it up properly, but here's a quick run down of what we had a the Rendezvous.

Range time

Steel shooting

Guns...lots of guns!

Fun with lasers

(I wonder why the wait staff always knocks before they come in?)

Bad puns

Distinguished Guests

Distinguished guests with pink gear

Lots of swag

Fabulous prizes

Made possible by contributions from Hi-Point, Ruger, Leupold, Sig Sauer, CrimsonTrace, CompTac, Brownells and more!

Happy winners

Really happy winners


Lots of cowboys

And of course...

Let's not forget the real reason we all met in Reno this weekend. 

We were here to raise money and support for Soldiers' Angels and Project Valour-IT.  Even if you couldn't make it, you can still support SA.  Just pay their website a visit and see what you can do.