Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Is there really life after college?

It's news time folks.

The final grades from spring semester came out this week and (as expected) I passed all of my courses. Consequently I have enough credits to qualify for a diploma. With that in mind, I can now officially be called an alum.

And not a moment too soon either. Almost as soon as finals were over I had to rush North and start my first (official) full time job. Of course I'm not broadcasting the company's name as most companies get touchy about employees doing such things. It should suffice to say that it's a company with wide reaching influences and they have a significant number of engineers.

I hired in expecting a mix of design work and project management and it looks like that's what I'm getting.... and then some. I've only been around for a few days but my co-workers seem to be really great folks. I'm trying to hit the ground running here and folks are quite willing to help. I've already been scheduled to go on a trip to a remote location for a very extensive equipment trial.

That's the short version of everything that's gone on. Of course there's also been plenty of time spent getting (and attempting to furnish) my new apartment, but there's time for talking about that later. After all, I need some time to convert this into a decent bachelor pad (which may be quite a task when you take into account that neither the pad nor myself are particularly good bachelor pad material. But I'll leave that discussion for another day...


Anonymous said...

"folks are quite willing to help. I've already been scheduled to go on a trip to a remote location for a very extensive equipment trial..."

C'mon Zeke - we all know that you work for Trojian as a test engineer...

Mr. Engineering Johnson said...

hehe...if it were true, that would give a whole new meaning to the expression "this f***ing job!"

Actually my job does have something to do with "packaging" but you can only make so many jokes about that.

I'll stop now before I get a PG 13 rating.