Monday, January 06, 2020

2020 Vision

Clearly this blog has been fallow for a few years.  As with so many other blogs out there, life got in the way and priorities changed. 

I have, however, continued to amass photos from my work and travel.  I always intended to post these, but most of them were stashed away until I could do a decent write-up to go with them. I think the time has come to do something with this space so rather than waiting until I have time to actually write about all of this, I've gathered up several photos and I'm scheduling one to come up every week.  So far I have enough edited and ready to last a year.  I still have plenty more in my files waiting for a bit of touchup, so I can probably keep going like this for some time.  I might even get the inclination to throw in a few other posts along the way.

There's no particular order.  At most there will a brief comment on each photo.  I won't even promise that they will all be good or interesting.  They will just be things that I thought worthy of photographing for future use. 

I hope you all (3 of you?) enjoy the pictures!